Protect your community with the Playground Social Distancing Hand Gel Sign. Designed specifically for playgrounds, parks, and play areas, this sign serves as a crucial reminder for children and parents to prioritize hygiene and prevent the spread of viruses.
By displaying this sign, you demonstrate your commitment to health and safety. Not only does it help prevent the risk of contamination, but it also safeguards your business reputation and avoids costly implications.
Social Distancing is a crucial public health measure to halt the spread of viruses. Ensure your workplace or site follows the recommended guidelines by prominently displaying this sign. It serves as a constant reminder for everyone to maintain a safe distance.
Our sign features a distinct symbol with arrows indicating the need to keep apart. The white text against the blue background ensures clear visibility, ensuring your staff and visitors understand and adhere to the instructions.
Founded in 2024, signdesignhub is a trusted provider of safety signage. With a 5 Star Rating, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality products and services. Our experienced team is dedicated to customer satisfaction and offers a range of signage solutions tailored to your needs.
to explore our wide selection of safety and warning signs, banners, and personalised signage. Choose the industry-leading innovators in recycled material signage, all made in Britain.